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Terms & Conditions

Terms and Conditions of THE COMPANY (“We or Us”)

These terms and conditions (“The Terms”) and the disclaimer at /legal/disclaimer govern your use of our website (“The Website”). Please read through the terms and the disclaimer.

If you do not agree with the terms or the disclaimer, do not use this website. Continuing to use the Website, indicates that you accept these terms.


Copyright in the contents of all the pages in the Website are owned or licensed to us, unless stated otherwise.

We do not warrant or represent that the right to be identified as the author of any of the literary and artistic works in the pages in this Website has been waived.

Licence To Use The Content

You may print or download any of the content of this Website for the purpose of private and personal use but not for commercial use without our express consent. You may store on your computer a transient copy of any of the content of this Website for the purpose of viewing it.

Except as stated above, you shall not: copy, reproduce, distribute, republish, download, display, post, broadcast or transmit in any form; or adapt, alter or create derivatives from, the contents of this Website without our prior express written permission.

Third Party Rights

Licensors to us of any of the content of the Website may enforce any rights they may have in that content against you under these Terms and the licensor's remedies shall be the same as if he were a party to the Terms. Otherwise, only you and we have rights under these Terms and any other person shall only have the rights or remedies that would ordinarily have other than under these Terms.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction

These Terms and your use of the Website shall be subject to the laws of England and Wales. The Courts of England and Wales shall have exclusive jurisdiction over all claims or disputes arising in relation to, out of or in connection with this Website and its use and these Terms.

The explanations and information provided herein are only general and high-level explanations, information and samples. You should not rely on this article as legal advice or as recommendations regarding what you should actually do. We recommend that you seek legal advice to help you understand and to assist you in the creation of your Terms.


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